In the picture is my and my roommate's (Johannes) apartment. Which consists of 1/4 of the house, the bottom right side. It has 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, livingroom and closets. The rent is 225 dollars per person + utilities like electricity, water and internet. In dorms the cost per person would have been something like 500 dollars, but would have included utilities and foods also. So it might still be a little bit cheaper in dorms still. But would you like to rather pay a couple bucks more for own freedom and space or live in 1 room with 1-2 persons and share toilets and showers with 10-40 persons? I certainly like to rather live in this apartement than in a dormroom.
The apartment is 5 min walk from Campus.
Notification from Pittsburg: The roads are bad (see the cement pavement) and the sideways for pedestrians are even worse in many places and widely in the city they are non-existent. With bike you should drive on the driveway with the cars.
Notification about off-campus living: Make sure that the renter is partner with PSU. This is certification that it should be safe to rent for that renter.
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